Published Articles by HKJC ILCM Faculty Members

18 . 06 . 2024

Our devoted faculty members at ILCM have achieved remarkable accomplishments. In addition to their teaching responsibilities, they make valuable contributions to the medical field by authoring insightful articles for prestigious publications.

Simulation in medical education

The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 2019 March;49(1):52-57

Authors: Hing-Yu So, Phoon-Ping Chen, George Kwok Chu Wong, Tung Ning Chan

Postgraduate Medical Education: See One, Do One, Teach One… and What Else?

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Apr;29(2):104.e1–9

Author: Dr. HY So, FCICM, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)

Modernising Postgraduate Medical Education: Evolving Roles of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine in the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

Hong Kong Med J 2023 Dec;29(6):480–3

Authors: PP Chen, HY So, Johnson ST Lo, Benny CP Cheng

Competency-Based Medical Education: Transforming Medical Education for the 21st Century Healthcare System

AcademyFocus, April 2024, p4-5

Focus (April 2024).pdf 
Author: HY So

Workplace-Based Assessments: What, Why, and How to Implement?

Hong Kong Med J 2024;30:Epub 3 Jun 2024

Authors: HY So, YF Choi, PT Chan, Albert KM Chan, George WY Ng, George KC Wong